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README file for "Set Ia/b" data tables

This dataset gives a full summary of the main photometric quantities for the Simple Stellar Population (SSP) models, including Johnson, Washington and Gunn colors, M/L ratios and other relevant stellar quantities from the SSP isochrone.

Credit to these models should be acknowledged referring to:

Buzzoni, A.: ``Evolutionary Population Synthesis Models in Stellar Systems.I. A Global Approach'', 1989, Astrophys. Journal Suppl. Series, 71, 817.

Each table begins with a header reporting the general quantities as in the following example:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Z [Fe/H] Y s m.loss Minf HB
0.0001 -2.27 0.23 2.35 0.3 0.1 R

(1): Metallicity. We explore the range for Z = 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.017 (solar value), 0.03, and 0.1.
(2): Iron-to-Hydrogen abundance relative to the Sun (by definition [Fe/H](sun) = 0)
(3): Helium abundance. The value of Y is 0.23 for Z = 0.0001 and 0.001 models, Y = 0.25 for Z = 0.01, 0.017, 0.03, and Y = 0.35 for Z=0.1. The relevant equivalence X+Y+Z = 1 holds, from which the Hydrogen abundance can be derived.
(4): IMF power-law index. We assume dN = A M**(-s) dM. For a Salpeter IMF s=2.35. In addition, the case of s = 1.35 (giant-dominated SSPs) and 3.35 (dwarf-dominated SSPs) is considered.
(5): Mass loss coefficient η in the Reimers (1975) formula (see Buzzoni 1989). This parameter mainly affects the AGB luminosity extension. A larger value of η means a more enhanced mass loss (that is a fainter AGB tip). The empirical tuning for low-Z SSPs indicates a typical value about 1/3 (see Iben and Renzini, 1983 ARAA, 21, 271). In our model grid we assume η = 0.3 and 0.5.
(6): Lower mass limit for the IMF, in solar unit. Always fixed in the models at 0.1 M_sun.
(7): Horizontal Branch morphology for the 15 Gyr model. As the HB stars quickly turn to redder colors with increasing mass, a Red HB is always expected at younger ages (t < 10 Gyr) disregarding the morphology details at 15 Gyr.
  R = Red HB (a red clump close to the RGB)
  I = Intermediate HB (a skewed bell-shaped distribution peaked at Log T = 3.82 with a 3-sigma hot tail up to Log T = 4.05)
  B = Blue HB (a skewed bell-shaped distribution peaked at Log T = 4.30 with a 3-sigma hot tail up to Log T = 4.60)

The second block in Set Ia tables reports some relevant quantities from the SSP isochrones for different age (as labelled, in Gyr):
Mto = Turn Off stellar mass (in solar unit)
Mrt = Actual stellar mass at the RGB tip
Mpn = Actual stellar mass at the end of the AGB evolution
B11 = Specific evolutionary flux in unit of E-11/L_sun/yr (e.g. B11 = 1.30 means B = 1.3E-11/L_sun/yr) (see Renzini and Buzzoni 1986).
Photometric quantities in Set Ia/b tables:
Mbol = Integrated bolometric luminosity of the models. It is normalized at Mbol=0.0 at 15 Gyr.
(Bol-V) = Bolometric correction to the Johnson V band. For the Sun we assume (Bol-V) = -0.07 and Mbol(sun)= +4.72.
(V-R)       Integrated colors for the SSP models in the Johnson U B V R I J H K system.
(g-r)       Integrated colors for the SSP models in the Gunn g r i z system.
(g-i)       (Match to Johnson magnitudes via the g-V color)
(C-M)      Integrated colors for the SSP models in the Washington C M T1 T2 system.
(M-T1)       (Match to Johnson magnitudes via the M-V color)
Note that:
1) the Johnson UBV system is reproduced according to Buser (1978, A&Ap, 62, 411).
2) Compared with the original tables in Buzzoni (1989), U magnitudes have been corrected here according to the discussion in Buzzoni (1995, ApJS, 98, 69).
3) The Cousins (V-Rc) and (V-Ic) colors can be obtained from the Johnson colors through the following transformation set of equations (Bessell 1979, PASP, 91, 589):
V-Rc = 0.73 (V-Rj)(V-Rj) <1.0
V-Rc = 0.62(V-Rj) -0.081.0< (V-Rj) <1.7
V-Ic = 0.713(V-Ij)(V-Ij) <0.0
V-Ic = 0.778(V-Ij)0.0< (V-Ij)<2.0
V-Ic = 0.835(V-Ij)-0.132.0< (V-Ij) <3.0
4) The H filter profile is from Bessel and Brett (1988, PASP, 100, 1134), after rejecting IR-leakage longward of 2.3 μm
5) The (g r i) Gunn photometric system is reproduced according to Thuan and Gunn ( 1976, PASP, 88,543), while the z filter response is from Schneider, Gunn and Hoessel (1983, ApJ, 264, 337). Magnitude zero points are from convolution of SED for star BD+17 4708 as from Oke and Gunn (1983, ApJ, 266, 713) assuming g = r = i = z = 9.50. The link to the Johnson system can be obtained via the g-V color.
6) The Washington C M T1 T2 photometric system is from Canterna (1976, AJ, 81, 228). Magnitude zero points assume C = M = T1 = T2 = 0.00 for Vega. The link to the Johnson system can be obtained via the M-V color.
Bolometric contribution (Set Ia):
%MS = Bolometric luminosity fraction provided by Main Sequence stars.
%SGB = Sub Giant Branch contribution.
%RGB = Red Giant Branch contribution.
%HB = Horizontal Branch contribution.
%AGB = Asymptotic Giant Branch contribution.
%PAGB = Post-AGB contribution (i.e. hot phase in the Planetary Nebula event).
By definition, %MS + %SGB + %RGB + %HB + %AGB + %PAGB = 1.000
Mass-to-light ratios (Set Ia):

Three conservative estimates are provided, each for the bolometric, B, V and K luminosity. Both mass and luminosity are in solar unit (that is M/L = 1 for the Sun, at every photometric bands).

1) "Default" values refer to the bright mass alone (i.e. IMF is integrated from 0.1 M_sun to the Turn Off mass plus the actual mass of Post-MS stars, taking into account the mass loss effect).
2) The "Total Bright Mass (+Supernovae)" is as the previous one but now adding a fully prudent estimate of the Type II SN mass fraction. This is computed assuming that all stars in the range between 9 M_sun and 60 M_sun leave a remnant of 1.4 M_sun (the Chandrasekhar mass). The SN mass contribution is therefore computed as: M(SN) = (1.4 M_sun x Number of stars between 9 and 60 M_sun).
3) Finally, the "Conservative Total Mass" is obtained by integrating the IMF from 0.1 M_sun to 60 M_sun.
Note, of course, that the upper limit of 60 M_sun is quite arbitrary. In fact, it is straightforward to update all the calculations for a different value, according to the assumed IMF power law.
AB/Jun 2007

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