In the last decade, a combination of high sensitivity and spatial resolution observations in the extragalactic domain, and of coordinated multi-wavelength campaigns on galactic objects have revolutionized our understanding of black holes astrophysics on all mass scales. This has led to substantial progress towards super-unification schemes for active galactic nuclei, in which the large variety of different AGN classes can be classified based on fundamental physical parameters only, such as mass, accretion rate and kinetic energy output. I will describe the constraints available from a study of AGN evolution synthesis models on the growth of the SMBH population in the two main 'modes' observed (`kinetic-' and `radiatively-dominated', respectively). SMBH always show a very broad accretion rate distribution, and I'll discuss the consequences of this fact for our understanding of observed AGN fractions in galaxies. I'll show how SMBH mass function evolves anti-hierarchically, i.e. the most massive holes grew earlier and faster than less massive ones, and I will also derive tight constraints on the average radiative efficiency of AGN. Finally, constraints on the redshift evolution of the AGN kinetic luminosity function will be briefly discussed and compared with the radiative output of the evolving SMBH population, thus providing a robust physical framework for phenomenological models of AGN feedback within structure formation.