The Bondi solution is often used to model accretion onto black holes (BHs) from galactic scales. However, is well known that feedback processes may significantly reduce the mean accretion rate and produce a time-dependent cycle of accretion onto the BH. I will present theoretical work on radiation-regulated accretion onto BHs from galactic scales, focusing on the effects of radiation and thermal pressures and angular momentum of the accreting gas. Starting from radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of accretion onto intermediate-mass BHs, we derive a physically motivated model for the accretion and scaling relationships valid for a range of BH masses that are general solutions of the Bondi problem with radiation feedback. Despite the idealized initial conditions the results of the simulations are surprisingly rich and differ qualitatively from the classical Bondi-Lyttleton solutions. For instance, we identify two modes of accretion with widely different duty cycles, determined by the density of the ambient gas feeding the BH. The mean BH growth rate in the sub-Eddington regime is proportional to the thermal pressure of the ambient gas and, surprisingly, BHs moving supersonically with respect to the ambient medium can grow more efficiently than static BHs. These results are important to model accretion onto intermediate mass BHs in the early universe and ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) in local galaxies.