Starts at 10am on 22 February - Status of on-going observations + Ultra-deep (OLF) + Wide (Bianca / Marco ?) + Sinfoni (Thierry) - Other proposals (HST, Spitzer...) - Data processing status and plans (Bianca, Vincent) - Public data release + Public release F02h+CDFS (spectra incl.) + Public release F22h data on CFHTLS W4. - Science analysis + Wide data + LF/LD: - Updates from the LF working group: papers submitted, ongoing and to be done (Elena/Laurence) - 24 microns LF with A. Franceschini - Evolution of K-band selected Luminosity Functions in red bands: zphot and zspec samples (Micol) - using Wide data - combining with photoz (deeper on faint end) + Clustering, clusters - Galex/VVDS (Baptiste), - Clustering per mass (Baptiste) - Clustering on 22h wide field (Baptiste) - Clustering from photo-z (Henry) - HOD models (Ummi, Sylvain) - Merger rate (Loic) - Voronoi-based finding cluster algorithm using Millennium simulation (Olga) - Clusters / groups identification: Christian, Alain + Mass function - Mass and other spectral indices measurements (Fabrice) - The Mass galaxy assembly: from the young to the old universe (Lucia) - Mass density from SWIRE data (Stephane A. at distance) + Kinematics - Using rotation curves as a cosmological test (Christian) - Results from SINFONI program (Thierry) + Spectrophotometry - Improved platefit measurements (Fabrice) - SFR and ages of galaxies from SED fitting -> downsizing (Fabrice) - SFR evolution from emission lines (maybe ! to be confirmed) (Fabrice) - Mass-metallicity (Fabrice, Thierry) - General properties (Daniela/Marco, Fabrice) + AGN evolution - LF-LD (Angela) - BH Accretion rate (Isabelle) + Other multi-lambda analysis: Swire, radio, XMM,... - Radio-optical properties of galaxies in the VVDS Wide Fields (Loretta) - Rest frame properties of radio emitting galaxies from VLA-VVDS sample (Sandro) + Comparisons with simulations - Millenium: Baptiste / Sylvain - Other - Summary of papers + Submitted to be revised + To be submitted - Plans for press releases - Next meeting End 16h30 on friday