The metallicity distribution in the Milky Way discs
    Bologna,  29-31 May 2012

Bologna, June 1, 2012

During the workshop the region where Bologna is was struck by a (second) earthquake. Bologna was almost untouched and we had only small inconveniences, but there were damages and deaths around.
Our thoughts go to all the victims.

I wish to thank Luigina Feretti and Gianni Zamorani, Directors of the Istituto di Radio Astronomia and the Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, for their kind help and hospitality after the problems with the earthquake.


Scientific Rationale

We are entering the era of large spectroscopic surveys; these, along with the unprecedented information from Gaia, will yield a dataset that will be unique in its ability to comprehensively describe the metallicity distribution in the Galactic discs. We must be ready, both with the analysis tools and with theoretical models to interpret the data, in order to take full advantage of this.
To start this preparation process, we propose a workshop that aims to bring together scientists working on the different kinds of stellar populations, observers and theoreticians, to review the current status of knowledge, to compare and discuss the different results already available, to investigate the possible systematics, to review available tools and models and to discuss possible improvements, and to discuss synergies to best derive a common, complete, and coherent picture of the formation and evolution of the Galactic discs.
Whilst several meetings and conferences on Galaxy formation and evolution, on different stellar populations, and on surveys have been organized in the recent past, to our knowledge this workshop is  the first focusing entirely and comprehensively on the metallicity gradient in the Galactic discs. We will concentrate on elemental abundances and the expectation of age and distance determination by Gaia of field stars and clusters; these are essential informations that, coupled with dynamical studies, are necessary to fully understand the Galactic formation and evolution.

Program (follow link)   LINK TO ALL PRESENTATIONS IN PDF

The Workshop will last 2.5 days (starting on Tuesday, May 29 and ending at lunch time on May 31) and will be articulated in four main sessions. There will be ample space for contributed talks (12+3 minutes or shorter communications -there will not be posters) and discussion.

Session 1 : The theorists view and wishes

Session 2 : The current empirical scenario

Session 3 :  Taking the global picture

Session 4 : Expectations from Gaia and large spectroscopic surveys

Confirmed invited speakes
Carlos Allende Prieto The abundance distribution in the thin disc
Thomas Bensby
The abundance distribution in the thick disc
Alessandro Bressan Evolutionary models and age determination
Alessandro Chieffi
Stellar yields
Ken Freeman
Eileen Friel
The radial metallicity gradient as traced from open clusters
Gerry Gilmore  
Summary & perspective
Oscar Gonzalez  
The metallicity distribution in the Galactic Bulge
Jennifer Johnson
Segue & APOGEE
Carme Jordi
Mario Lattanzi
Gaia and the Galactic thin and thick discs
Bertrand Lemasle The radial metallicity gradient from Cepheids measurements
Laura Magrini 
The metallicity gradients in Local Group galaxies
Andre' Moitinho
The structure of the Galactic discs
Norbert Przybilla
The radial metallicity gradient from OB star and HII region measurements
Sofia Randich
Gaia-ESO Survey
Donatella Romano
Chemical evolution models
Rok Roskar
Stellar migration
Grazina Tautvaisiene
CNO abundances in open clusters and field stars
Floor van Leeuwen
Open clusters as observational isochrones

The workshop format sets a limit of about 50 attendees. Thus early registration is encouraged.
The deadline for registration is April 30, 2012.
There is some financial support available for students and early
stage researchers.
There is no registration fee.

To register, please send an email to :

If you wish to present a short communication (about 5 minutes) or a talk (15 minutes: 12 plus 3 for questions), please send an email to with title and a short abstract; you will be contacted later
if the contribution can be accepted.

SOC                    Participants                   Local Information (Work in progress)


LOC: Angela Bragaglia, Sandra Caddeo, Olga Diodato, Paolo Donati, Annalia Piccioni

We gratefully acknowledge the finantial support of  the European Science Foundation through the ``Gaia Research for European Astronomy Training'' (GREAT) and of the INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna