Alberto Cappi
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna
This program calculates a number of useful quantities
(distances, angles and lookback time) given a cosmological model
and a redshift.
If you are interested in the formulae used here,
look at my short
introduction to cosmological formulae and check the links listed below.
For any comments, suggestions or
errors do not hesitate to send me an email.
This program is listed -among other cosmological
calculators- by the
Nasa Extragalactic Database (NED).
Useful links:
A. Cappi,
Testing cosmological models with negative pressure,
2001, ApLC 40, 161 (astro-ph/0105382)
D.W. Hogg, Distance measures in cosmology, 1999
H. de Ruiter,
Cosmological formulas, 2005