Laurea Thesis (1988)

SNR expansion in a pre-existent cavity Bologna University, (supervisors: prof. A. Messina, dr. A. D'Ercole)

Published as paper [1].

Ph.D. Thesis (1993)

Two-component galaxy models Bologna University, (supervisor: prof. A. Renzini. Last year spent at Princeton University working with prof. J.P. Ostriker)

Published as papers [2], [3], [4], [5], [13]


1) CIOTTI, L., D'Ercole, A. 1989, A&A, 215, 347

SNR Expansion in a Pre-Existent Cavity

2) D'Ercole, A., Renzini, A., CIOTTI, L. and Pellegrini, S. 1989, ApJL, 341, L9

X-Ray Evolution of Model Elliptical Galaxies

3) CIOTTI, L., D'Ercole, A., Pellegrini, S., and Renzini, A. 1991, ApJ, 376, 380

Winds, Outflows, and Inflows in X--Ray Elliptical Galaxies. I.

4) CIOTTI, L. 1991, A&A, 249, 99

Stellar Systems Following the R^{1/m} Luminosity Law -- [Errata]

5) CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 1992, MNRAS, 255, 561

Self--Consistent Two--Component Models of Elliptical Galaxies

6) Battistini, P.L., Bonoli, F., Casavecchia, M., CIOTTI, L., Federici, L., Fusi Pecci, F. 1993, A&A, 272, 77

New Globular Cluster Candidates in the Inner Regions of M31 and the Projected Density Profile of the Cluster System

7) Federici, L., Bonoli, F., CIOTTI, L., Fusi Pecci, F., Marano, B., Lipovetsky, V.A., Neizvestny, S.I., Spassova, N. 1993, A&A, 274, 87

Kinematics of a Sample of Globular Clusters in the Halo and the Mass of M31: II -- [Errata]

8) Tyson, N.D., Richmond, M.W., Woodhams, M., and CIOTTI, L. 1993, A&A, 275, 630.

On the Possibility of a Major Impact on Uranus in the Past Century

9) Renzini, A., CIOTTI, L. 1993, ApJL, 416, L49

Transverse Dissections of the Fundamental Planes of Elliptical Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies

10) Bendinelli, O., CIOTTI, L., Parmeggiani, G. 1993, A&A, 279, 668

Series Inversion of Abel Equation for Very Peaked Profiles: the R^{1/4}-law -- [Errata]

11) Renzini, A., CIOTTI, L., D'Ercole A., Pellegrini, S. 1993, ApJ, 419, 52-65

Production and Circulation of Iron in Elliptical Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies

12) CIOTTI, L., Dutta, S.N. 1994, MNRAS, 270, 390

Alignment and Morphology of Elliptical Galaxies: the Influence of the Cluster Tidal Field

13) CIOTTI, L. 1994, Cel.Mec., 60, 401

Tomography of collisionless stellar systems

14) CIOTTI, L., Stiavelli, M., Braccesi, A. 1995, MNRAS, 276, 961

Recovering the intrinsic metallicity distribution of elliptical galaxies

15) Pentericci, L., CIOTTI, L., Renzini, A. 1996, Astrophys. Lett. and Comm., 33, 213-216

Numerical Simulations of Merging Galaxy Clusters

16) CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 1996, MNRAS, 279, 240-248

The energetics of flat and rotating early-type galaxies and their X-ray luminosity -- [Errata]

17) CIOTTI, L., Lanzoni, B., Renzini, A. 1996, MNRAS, 282, 1-12

The Tilt of the Fundamental Plane of Elliptical Galaxies: I. Exploring Dynamical and Structural Effects -- [Errata]

18) CIOTTI, L. 1996, ApJ, 471, 68-81

The Analytical Distribution Function of Anisotropic Two-Component Hernquist Models -- [Errata]

19) CIOTTI, L., Lanzoni, B. 1997, A&A, 321, 724-732

Stellar systems following the R^{1/m} luminosity law. II Anisotropy, Velocity Profiles, and the FP of elliptical galaxies

20) Pellegrini, S., Held, E.V., CIOTTI, L. 1997, MNRAS, 288, 1-11

X-ray emission and internal kinematics in early-type galaxies. I Observations

21) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P. 1997, ApJL, 487, L105-L108

Cooling flow and quasars: different aspects of the same phenomenon? Concepts

22) D'Ercole, A., CIOTTI, L. 1998, ApJ, 494, 535-545

Decoupled and inhomogeneous gas flows in S0 galaxies

23) CIOTTI, L., Giampieri, G. 1998, Cel.Mec., 68, 313-334

Motion of a Rigid Body in a Tidal Field: an application to elliptical galaxies in clusters -- [Errata]

24) Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L. 1998, A&A, 333, 433-444

Decoupled hot gas flows in elliptical galaxies

25) CIOTTI, L. 1999, ApJ, 520, 574-591

Modeling elliptical galaxies: phase-space constraints on two-component (gamma_1,gamma_2) models

26) CIOTTI, L., Bertin, G. 1999, A&A, 352, 447-451

Analytical properties of the R^{1/m} law

27) D'Ercole, A., Recchi, S., CIOTTI, L. 2000, ApJ, 533, 799-810

Effects of tidal interactions on the gas flows of elliptical galaxies

28) CIOTTI, L. 2000, Astrophys. Lett. and Comm., 40, 85-91

Inversion of the Abel equation for toroidal density distributions

29) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P. 2001, ApJ, 551, 131

Cooling flows and quasars: II. Detailed models of feedback modulated accretion flows -- [Errata]

30) CIOTTI, L., van Albada, T.S. 2001, ApJL, 552, L13-L16

The Mbh-sigma_c relation as a constraint on the formation of elliptical galaxies

31) CIOTTI, L. 2002, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, Sezione A, Serie VIII, IV-A, pagg. 97-142

Alcune questioni matematiche riguardanti la dinamica stellare

32) Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P., CIOTTI, L. 2002, MNRAS, 332, 901-914

Radial orbital anisotropy and the Fundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies

33) Bertin, G., CIOTTI, L., Del Principe, M. 2002, A&A, 386, 149-168

Weak homology of elliptical galaxies

34) Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P., CIOTTI, L. 2003, MNRAS, 342, 501-512

Galaxy merging, the Fundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies, and the Mbh-sigma relation

35) Lanzoni, B., CIOTTI, L. 2003, A&A, 404, 819-830

Projection effects on the FP thickness: a Monte-Carlo exploration -- [Errata]

36) Nipoti, C., Stiavelli, M., CIOTTI, L., Treu, T., Rosati, P. 2003, MNRAS, 344, 748-760

Galactic cannibalism in the galaxy cluster C0337-2522 at z ~0.59

37) Lanzoni, B., CIOTTI, L., Cappi, A. Tormen, G., Zamorani, G. 2004, ApJ, 600, 640-649

The scaling relations of galaxy clusters and their dark matter halos

38) Haiman, Z., CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P. 2004, ApJ, 606, 763-773

Reasoning from fossils: learning from the local black hole population about the evolution of quasars

39) CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2004, MNRAS, 350, 609-614

On the use of X-rays to determine dynamical properties of elliptical galaxies

40) CIOTTI, L., Binney, J. 2004, MNRAS, 351, 285-291

Two-body relaxation in modified Newtonian dynamics

41) Muccione, V., CIOTTI, L. 2004, A&A, 421, 583-593

Collisionless evaporation from cluster elliptical galaxies: a contributor to the intracluster stellar population -- [Errata]

42) Nipoti, C., T. Treu, CIOTTI, L., Stiavelli, M. 2004, MNRAS, 355, 1119-1124

Galactic cannibalism and CDM density profiles

43) Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L. 2005, Phil.Trans. of Roy.Soc., part A, 363, n.1828 (March 15), 667-683

Active galaxies and radiative heating

44) Sazonov, S.Yu., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L., Sunyaev, R.A. 2005, MNRAS, 358, 168-180

Radiative feedback from quasars and the growth of massive black holes in stellar spheroids

45) CIOTTI, L., Bertin, G. 2005, A&A, 437, 419-427

A simple method to construct exact density-potential pairs from a homeoidal expansion

46) di Serego Alighieri, S., Vernet, J., Cimatti, A., Lanzoni, B., Cassata, P., CIOTTI, L., Daddi, E., Mignoli, M., Pignatelli, E., Pozzetti, L., Renzini, A., Rettura, A., Zamorani, G. 2005, A&A, 442, 125-136

The evolution of early-type galaxies at z~1 from the K20 survey

47) Riciputi, A., Lanzoni, B., Bonoli, S., CIOTTI, L. 2005, A&A, 443, 133-141

The contribution of rotational velocity to the FP of elliptical galaxies

48) Barnabe', M., CIOTTI, L., Fraternali, F., Sancisi, R. 2006, A&A, 446, 61-69

Hydrostatic models for the rotation of the extra-planar gas in disk galaxies

49) CIOTTI, L., Londrillo, P., Nipoti, C. 2006, ApJ, 640, 741-750

Axisymmetric and triaxial MOND density-potential pairs [Errata]

50) Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P., CIOTTI, L. 2006, MNRAS, 370, 681-690

Dissipationless collapse, weak homology and central cores of elliptical galaxies -- [Errata]

51) Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L. 2006, MNRAS, 370, 1797-1803

Reconciling optical and X-ray mass estimates: the case of the elliptical galaxy NGC3379

52) CIOTTI, L., Lanzoni, B., Volonteri, M. 2007, ApJ, 658, 65-77

The importance of dry and wet merging on the formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies

53) Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P., CIOTTI, L. 2007, ApJ, 660, 256-266

Dissipationless collapses in Modified Newtonian Dynamics

54) CIOTTI, L., Giampieri G. 2007, MNRAS, 376, 1162-1168

Exact density-potential pairs from the Newman's holomorphic Coulomb field

55) Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P., Zhao, H.S., CIOTTI, L. 2007, MNRAS, 379, 597-604

Vertical dynamics of disk galaxies in MOND

56) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P. 2007, ApJ, 665, 1038-1056

Radiative feedback from massive black holes in elliptical galaxies. AGN flaring and central starburst fueled by recycled gas -- [Errata]

57) Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P., CIOTTI, L. 2007, MNRAS, 381, L104-L108

Galaxy merging in MOND

58) Ballero, S.K., Matteucci, F., CIOTTI, L., Calura, F., Padovani, P. 2008 A&A, 478, 335-351

Evolution of chemical abundances in Seyfert galaxies

59) CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2008 MNRAS, 387, 902-914

Hydrostatic gas distributions: global estimates of temperature and abundance

60) Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L., Binney, J., Londrillo, P. 2008 MNRAS, 386, 2194-2198

Dynamical friction in Modified Newtonian Dynamics

61) CIOTTI, L., Marinacci, F. 2008 MNRAS, 387, 1117-1125

Exact density-potential pairs from complex shifted axisymmetric systems

62) CIOTTI, L. 2009 La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, vol.32, N.1, 1-69

Co-evolution of elliptical galaxies and their central black holes. Clues from their scaling laws

63) CIOTTI, L., Morganti, L. 2009 MNRAS, 393, 179-191

Two-component galaxy models: the effect of density profile at large radii on the phase-space consistency

64) CIOTTI, L., Morganti, L., de Zeeuw, P.T. 2009 MNRAS, 393, 491-500

Two-component galaxies with flat rotation curve

65) Barnabe', M., Nipoti, C., Koopmans, L.V.E., Vegetti, S., CIOTTI, L. 2009 MNRAS, 393, 1114-1126

Crash-testing the CAULDRON code for joint lensing and dynamics analysis of early-type galaxies

66) Marinacci, F., Fraternali, F., CIOTTI, L., Nipoti, C. 2010 MNRAS, 401, 2451-2462

Stationary models for the extraplanar gas in disc galaxies

67) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P., Proga, D. 2009 ApJ, 699, 89-104

Feedback from central black holes in elliptical galaxies. I: models with either radiative or mechanical feedback but not both -- [Errata]

68) Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P. 2009 Advances in Space Research, 44, 340-347

Clues on black hole feedback from simulated and observed X-ray properties of elliptical galaxies

69) Jang, Y.-F., CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P., Spitkovsky, A. 2010 ApJ, 711, 125-137

Synchrotron emission from Elliptical galaxies consequent to AGN outbursts

70) Shin, M.-S., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L. 2010 ApJ, 711, 268-283

Feedback from central black holes in elliptical galaxies. II: Can purely mechanical energy feedback models work? -- [Errata]

71) CIOTTI, L. 2009 Nature, 460, 333-334

Anatomy of elliptical galaxies

72) CIOTTI, L., Morganti, L. 2010 MNRAS, 401, 1091-1098

Consistency criteria for generalized Cuddeford systems

73) Marinacci, F., Binney, J., Fraternali, F., Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L., Londrillo, P. 2010 MNRAS, 404, 1464-1474

The mode of gas accretion onto star-forming galaxies

74) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P., Proga, D. 2010 ApJ, 717, 708-723

Feedback from central black holes in elliptical galaxies. III: models with both radiative and mechanical feedback

75) Shin, M.-S., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L. 2012 ApJ, 745, 13 (13pp)

Environmental effects on the growth of supermassive black holes and AGN feedback

76) Ostriker, J.P., Choi, E., CIOTTI, L., Novak, G.S., Proga, D., 2010 ApJ, 722, 642-652

Momentum driving: which physical processes dominate AGN feedback?

77) CIOTTI, L., Morganti, L., 2010 MNRAS, 408, 1070-1074

How general is the global density slope-anisotropy inequality? -- [Errata]

78) Lusso, E., CIOTTI, L., 2011 A&A, 525, A115, 1-11

One-zone models for spheroidal galaxies with a central supermassive black hole. Self-regulated Bondi accretion

79) Novak, G.S., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L., 2011 ApJ, 737:26, 1-14

Feedback from central black holes in elliptical galaxies: two-dimensional models compared to one-dimensional models

80) Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L., Londrillo, P., 2011 MNRAS, 414, 3298-3306

Radial orbit instability in modified Newtonian dynamics

81) Marinacci, F., Fraternali, F., Nipoti, C., Binney, J., CIOTTI, L., Londrillo, P., 2011 MNRAS, 415, 1534-1542

Galactic fountains and the rotation of disc galaxy coronae

82) Di Cintio, P.F., CIOTTI, L., 2011 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos WSPC, vol.21, n.8, 2279-2283

Relaxation of spherical systems with long-range interactions: a numerical investigation

83) Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P., 2012 ApJ, 744, 21-38

X-ray properties expected from AGN feedback in elliptical galaxies

84) CIOTTI, L, Zhao, H., de Zeeuw, P.T., 2012 MNRAS, 422, 2058-2071

Separable triaxial potential-density pairs in MOND

85) Novak, G., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L., 2012 MNRAS, 427, 2734-2756

Radiative transfer and radiative driving of outflows in AGN and Starbursts

86) Volonteri, M., CIOTTI, L., 2013 ApJ, 768:29 (6pp)

Massive black holes in central cluster galaxies

87) Di Cintio, P., CIOTTI, L., Nipoti, C., 2013 MNRAS, 431, 3177-3188

Relaxation of N-body systems with additive r^{-a} forces

88) Posacki, S., Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L. 2013 MNRAS, 433, 2259-2274

The effects of galaxy shape and rotation on the X-ray haloes of Early-Type galaxies

89) Negri, A., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2014 MNRAS, 439, 823-844

The effects of stellar dynamics on the X-ray emission of flat early-type galaxies

90) Posti, L., Nipoti, C., Stiavelli, M., CIOTTI, L. 2014 MNRAS, 440, 610-623

The imprint of dark matter haloes on the size and velocity dispersion evolution of early-type galaxies

91) Calura, F., CIOTTI, L., Nipoti, C. 2014 MNRAS, 440, 3341-3348

A fast and accurate method to compute the mass return from multiple stellar populations

92) Hensley, B., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L. 2014 ApJ, 789:78 (17pp)

Grain physics and the IR dust emission in AGN environments

93) Gan, Z., Yuan, F., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L., Novak, G. 2014 ApJ, 789:150 (14pp)

AGN feedback in an isolated elliptical galaxy: the effect of strong radiative feedback in the kinetic mode

94) Negri, A, Posacki, S., Pellegrini, S., Ciotti, L. 2014 MNRAS, 445, 1351-1369

The effects of galaxy shape and rotation on the X-ray haloes of early-type galaxies - II. Numerical simulations

95) Alessandrini, E., Lanzoni, B., Miocchi, P., CIOTTI, L., Ferraro, F. 2014 ApJ, 795:169 (9pp)

Dynamical friction in multi-component evolving Globular Clusters

96) Posacki, S., Cappellari, M., Treu, T., Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L. 2015 MNRAS, 446, 493-509

The stellar initial mass function of early type galaxies from low to high stellar velocity dispersion: homogeneous analysis of ATLAS3D and Sloan Lens ACS galaxies

97) Spitoni, E., Romano, D., Matteucci, F., CIOTTI, L. 2015 ApJ, 802:129 (9pp)

A simple chemical evolution model for the Milky Way disc with radial gas flows and stellar migration

98) Posti, L., Binney, J., Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L. 2015 MNRAS, 447, 3060-3068

Action-based distribution functions for spheroidal galaxy components

99) Panichi, F., CIOTTI, L., Turchetti, G. 2016 Commun.Nonlinear Sci.Numer.Simulat., 35, 53-68

Fidelity and Reversibility in the Three Body Problem

100) Smet, C., Posacki, S., CIOTTI, L., 2015 MNRAS, 448, 2921-2933

Miyamoto-Nagai discs embedded in the Binney logarithmic potential: analytical solution of the two-integrals Jeans equations -- [Errata]

101) Negri, A., Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L., 2015 MNRAS, 451, 1212-1228

X-ray haloes and starformation in early-type galaxies

102) Di Cintio, P, CIOTTI, L., Nipoti, 2015 J. Plasma Physics, 81, 49581054, (14 pages)

Radially anisotropic systems with r^{-alpha} forces: equilibrium states

103) Korol, V., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2016 MNRAS, 460, 1188-1200

Bondi accretion in early-type galaxies -- [Errata]

104) Janz, J., Cappellari, M., Romanowsky, A.J., CIOTTI, L., Alabi, A., Forbes, D.A. 2016 MNRAS, 461, 2367-2373

The mass-discrepancy acceleration relation in early-type galaxies: extended mass profiles and the phantom menace to MOND

105) Annibali, F., Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L., Aloisi, A., Bellazzini, M., Cignoni, M., Cusano, F., Paris, D., Sacchi, E. 2016 ApJL, 826:L27 (6pp)

DDO 68: A flea with smaller fleas that on him prey

106) CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S., Negri, A., Ostriker, J.P. 2017 ApJ, 835:15 (22pp)

The effect of the AGN feedback on the interstellar medium of early-type galaxies: 2D hydrodynamical somulations of the low-rotation case

107) E. Vanzella, F. Calura, M. Meneghetti, A. Mercurio, M. Castellano, G.B. Caminha, I. Balestra, P. Rosati, P. Tozzi, S. De Barros, A. Grazian, A. D'Ercole, L. CIOTTI, K. Caputi, C. Grillo, E. Merlin, L. Pentericci, A. Fontana, S. Cristiani, D. Coe 2017, MNRAS, 467, 4304-4321 MNRAS,

Paving the way for the JWST: witnessing globular cluster formation at z > 3

108) Di Cintio, P.F., CIOTTI, L., Nipoti, C. 2017 MNRAS, 468, 2222-2231

Radially anisotropic systems with $r^{-\alpha}$ forces. II: radial-orbit instability

109) CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2017 ApJ, 848:29 (13pp)

Isothermal Bondi accretion in Jaffe and Hernquist galaxies with a central black hole: fully analytical solutions

110) CIOTTI, L., Ziaee Lorzad, A. 2018 MNRAS, 473, 5476-5491

Two-component Jaffe models with a central BH. I: the spherical case -- [Errata]

111) Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L., Negri, A., Ostriker, J.P. 2018 ApJ, 856:115 (6pp)

AGN feedback and the origin and fate of the hot gas in early-type galaxies

112) Li, Y-P., Yuan, F., Mo, H., Yoon, D., Gan, Z-M., Ho, L.C., Wang, B., Ostriker, J.P, CIOTTI, L. 2018 ApJ, 866:70 (21pp)

Stellar and AGN feedback in isolated early-type galaxies: the role in regulating star formation and ISM properties

113) Yoon, D.S., Yuan, F., Gan, Z.-M., Ostriker, J.P., Li, Y-P., CIOTTI, L. 2018 ApJ, 864:6 (15pp)

Active galactic nuclei feedback in an elliptical galaxy with the most updated AGN physics (II): high-angular momentum case

114) Annibali, F., La Torre, V., Tosi, M., Nipoti, C., Cusano, F., Aloisi, A., Bellazzini, M., CIOTTI, L., Marchetti, A., Mignoli, M., Romano, D., Sacchi, E. 2019 MNRAS, 482, 3892-3914

Chemical abundances and radial velocities in the extremely metal-poor galaxy DDO 68

115) CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2018 ApJ, 868:91 (14pp)

Isothermal Bondi accretion in two-component Jaffe galaxies with a central black hole

116) Gan, Z., CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P., Yuan, F. 2019 ApJ, 872:167 (21pp)

MACER improved: AGN feedback computed in rotating Early-Type galaxies at high resolution

117) Gan, Z., Choi, E., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2019 ApJ, 875:109 (11pp)

Adding a Suite of Chemical Abundances to the MACER Code for the Evolution of Massive Elliptical Galaxies

118) Yoon, D.S., Yuan, F., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L. 2019 ApJ, 885:16 (11pp)

On the Role of Hot Feedback Mode in Active Galactic Nuclei Feedback in an Elliptical Galaxy

119) Baes, M., CIOTTI, L. 2019 A&A, 626, A110 (10pp)

Stellar systems following the $R^{1/m}$ luminosity law III. Photometric, intrinsic and dynamical properties for all Sersic indices

120) Annibali, F., Bellazzini, M., Correnti, M., Sacchi, E., Tosi, M., Cignoni, M., Aloisi, A., Calzetti, D., CIOTTI, L., Cusano, F., Lee, J., Nipoti, C. 2019 ApJ, 883:19 (12pp)

HST resolves stars in a tiny body falling on the dwarf galaxy DDO 68

121) CIOTTI, L., Mancino, A., Pellegrini, S. 2019 MNRAS, 490, 2656-2667

A new class of galaxy models with a central BH - I. The spherical case

122) Baes, M., CIOTTI, L. 2019 A&A, 630, A113 (8 pp)

Stellar systems following the $R^{1/m}$ luminosity law IV. The total energy and the central concentration of galaxies

123) Annibali, F., Beccari, G., Bellazzini, M., Tosi, M., Cusano, F., Paris, D., Cignoni, CIOTTI, L., Nipoti, C., Sacchi, E. 2020 MNRAS, 491, 5101-5125

The Smallest Scale of Hierarchy Survey (SSH). I. Survey Description

124) Pellegrini, S., Gan, Z., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L. 2020 Astron. Nachr., 341, 184-190

Metal abundances in the MACER simulations of the hot interstellar medium

125) CIOTTI, L. 2019 arXiv:1911.10480 [math.CA]

On a family of curious integrals suggested by Stellar Dynamics

126) Gan, Z., Hensley, B.S., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L., Schiminovich, D., Pellegrini, S. 2020 ApJ, 901:7 (17pp)

Infra-red emission from cold gas dusty disks in massive ellipticals

127) CIOTTI, L., Mancino, A., Pellegrini, S., Ziaee Lorzad, A. 2021 MNRAS, 500, 1054-1070

Two-component galaxy models with a central BH - II. The ellipsoidal case

128) CIOTTI, L. 2020 arXiv:2009.06452 [math.CA]

A family of Exponential integrals suggested by Stellar Dynamics

129) Pascale, R., Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L. 2022 MNRAS, 509, 1465-1477

Regular and chaotic orbits in axisymmetric stellar systems

130) Caravita, C., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2021 MNRAS, 506, 1480-1497

Jeans modeling of axisymmetric galaxies with multiple stellar populations

131) Annibali, F., Bacchini, C., Iorio, G., Bellazzini, M., Pascale, R., Beccari, G., Cignoni, M., CIOTTI, L., Nipoti, C., Sacchi, E., Tosi, M.,Cusano, F., Bisogni, S., Gargiulo, A., Paris, D. 2022 MNRAS, 512, 1781-1794

The Smallest Scale of Hierarchy Survey (SSH). II. Extended star formation and bar-like features in the dwarf galaxy NGC 3741: recent merger or ongoing gas accretion?

132) Mancino, A., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2022 MNRAS, 512, 2474-2488

On the polytropic Bondi accretion in two-component galaxy models with a central massive BH

133) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P., Gan, Z., Jiang, B.-X., Pellegrini, S., Caravita, C., Mancino, A. 2022, ApJ, 933:154 (18pp)

A parameter space exploration of high resolution numerically evolved early type galaxies including AGN feedback and accurate dynamical treatment of stellar orbits

134) Molero, M., Matteucci, F., CIOTTI, L. 2022, MNRAS, 518, 987-1001

Chemical evolution of elliptical galaxies I: supernovae and AGN feedback

135) CIOTTI, L. 2022, ApJ, 936:180 (15pp)

On the rotation of disk galaxies in General Relativity

136) Jiang, B.-X., CIOTTI, Gan, Z., Ostriker, J.P. L. 2022, ApJ, submitted

Star formation inefficiency and Kennicutt-Schmidt laws in early-type galaxies

137) Zhu, B., Yuan, F., Ji, S., Peng, Y., 3, Ho, L.C., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L. 2023, MNRAS, 524, 5787-5803

Active galactic nuclei feedback in an elliptical galaxy (III): the impacts and fate of cosmological inflow

138) CIOTTI, L. 2023, MNRAS, 525, 2758-2764

The face-on projection of the Miyamoto & Nagai disks

139) Mancino, A., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S., Giannetti, F. 2024, MNRAS, 527, 9904-9916

Jeans modelling of weakly flattened ellipsoidal systems

140) De Deo, L., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S. 2024, MNRAS, 530, 1796-1811

Anisotropy ansatz for the axisymmetric Jeans equations



1c) CIOTTI, L., Bedogni, R., D'Ercole, A.

Dynamical Evolution of Type II Supernovae. Interaction with a Pre--Existing Bubble In Super-Computing in Astrophysics, Monteporzio (Roma), ed. F.Vagnetti, p.35-40, 1988

2c) Renzini, A., D'Ercole, A., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S.

Evolving Gas Flows in Elliptical Galaxies In Extranuclear Activity In Galaxies, ed. R. Fosbury and E. Meurs (Garching: ESO), p.341-345, 1989

3c) D'Ercole, A., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S., Renzini, A.

The Influence of Central Stellar Density and External Pressure on Gas Flows in Ellipticals Windows on Galaxies, p.275, ed. G. Fabbiano, J. Gallagher and A. Renzini (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 1990.

4c) CIOTTI, L., D'Ercole, A., Pellegrini, S., Renzini, A. "X--Ray Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies: the Iron Connection" Frontiers of X--Ray Astronomy, 1991, ed. Y. Tanaka & K. Koyama (Tokyo: Universal Academy), p.441

5c) CIOTTI, L., D'Ercole, A., Pellegrini, S., and Renzini, A.

Elliptical Galaxies in X-Rays Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies, ed. G. Longo, M. Capaccioli and G. Busarello (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 179, 1992.

6c) Renzini, A., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S., D'Ercole, A.

Production and Distribution of Iron in Elliptical Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies Structure, Dynamics and Chemical Evolution of Early Type Galaxies, ed. I.J. Danziger, W.W. Zeilinger and K. Kjar (Garghing: ESO), p. 443, 1992

7c) D'Ercole, A., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S., Renzini, A.

2D Hydrodynamics of Gas Flows in Elliptical Galaxies Interacting with the Intracluster Medium Structure, Dynamics and Chemical Evolution of Early Type Galaxies, ed. I.J. Danziger, W.W. Zeilinger and K. Kjar (Garghing: ESO), p. 615, 1992

8c) CIOTTI, L., Stiavelli, M., Braccesi, A.

Recovering the intrinsic metallicity distribution of elliptical galaxies IAU Symposium 117 New Light on galaxy evolution, eds. R. Bender and R.Davies p.353, 1996

9c) Lanzoni, B., CIOTTI, L., Renzini, A.

The Tilt of the Fundamental Plane of Elliptical Galaxies: Dynamical and Structural Effects IAU Symposium 117 New Light on galaxy evolution, eds. R. Bender and R.Davies p.403, 1996

10c) Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L.

The energetics of flat and rotating early-type galaxies and their X-ray luminosity IAU Symposium 117 New Light on galaxy evolution, eds. R. Bender and R.Davies p.430, 1996

11c) CIOTTI, L.

The physical origin of the Fundamental Plane (of Elliptical Galaxies) 3rd ESO-VLT Workshop -- Galaxy Scaling Relations: Origins, Evolution and Applications, L. da Costa and A. Renzini eds., (Kluwer: Dordrecht), 1997, p. 38

12c) Lanzoni, B., CIOTTI, L.

Anisotropic R^{1/m} models. Velocity profiles, and the FP of Elliptical galaxies 3rd ESO-VLT Workshop -- Galaxy Scaling Relations: Origins, Evolution and Applications, L. da Costa and A. Renzini eds., (Kluwer: Dordrecht), 1997, p. 366

13c) CIOTTI, L.

Two-component stellar systems: phase-space constraints STScI Workshop -- The formation of galactic bulges, C.M. Carollo, H.C. Ferguson and R.F.G. Wyse eds., (Cambridge University Press), 1999, p.140

14c) CIOTTI, L.

The contributions of Sir J.H. Jeans to Stellar Dynamics Invited talk, SAIt workshop on History of Astronomy, Atti del Convegno, 2000, p.21

15c) CIOTTI, L.

Phase-space constraints on visible and dark matter distributions in elliptical galaxies XVth IAP meeting -- Galaxy dynamics: from the early universe to the present, F. Combes, G.A. Mamon and V. Charmandaris eds., (ASP Conference Series), p.95, v.197, 2000

16c) CIOTTI, L., G. Bertin

Analytical properties of the R^{1/m} law XVth IAP meeting -- Galaxy dynamics: from the early universe to the present, F. Combes, G.A. Mamon and V. Charmandaris eds., (ASP Conference Series), p.247, v.197, 2000

17c) Pellegrini, S. CIOTTI, L.

Recovering true metal abundances of the ICM Chemical Enrichment of Intracluster and Intergalactic medium, F. Matteucci and R. Fusco-Femiano eds., (ASP Conference Series), p.65, v.253, 2002

18c) Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P., CIOTTI, L.

Galaxy merging and the Fundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies ESO Astrophysics Symposia: "The mass of galaxies at low and high redshift", R. Bender and A. Renzini, eds. (Springer-Verlag), p.70, 2003

19c) CIOTTI, L., Haiman, Z., Ostriker, J.P.

What does the local black hole mass distribution tell us about the evolution of the quasar luminosity function? ESO Astrophysics Symposia: "The mass of galaxies at low and high redshift", R. Bender and A. Renzini, eds. (Springer-Verlag), p.106, 2003

20c) Londrillo, P., Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L.

A parallel implementation of a new, fast algorithm for N-body simulations In "Computational astrophysics in Italy: methods and tools", Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta ed., Mem. S.A.It. Supplement, vol. 1, p. 18 (online edition), 2003

21c) Lanzoni, B., Cappi, A., CIOTTI, L.

High-resolution re-simulations of massive DM halos and the Fundamental Plane of galaxy clusters In "Computational astrophysics in Italy: methods and tools", Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta ed., Mem. S.A.It. Supplement, vol. 1, p. 145 (online edition), 2003

22c) Muccione, V., CIOTTI, L.

Elliptical galaxies interacting with the cluster tidal field: origin of the intracluster stellar population In "Computational astrophysics in Italy: methods and tools", Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta ed., Mem. S.A.It. Supplement, vol. 1, p. 186 (online edition), 2003

23c) Muccione, V., CIOTTI, L.

Collisionless evaporation from cluster elliptical galaxies In "Galaxies and Chaos", Lecture Notes on Physics, G. Contopoulos and N. Voglis, eds., vol. 626, p. 387, (Springer-Verlag) 2003

24c) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P.

Free-free absorption effects on Eddington luminosity In the Proceedings of the International Symposium "Plasmas in the laboratory and in the universe: new insights and new challenges", G. Bertin, D. Farina, R. Pozzoli eds., AIPCS, vol.703, p.276, 2004

25c) CIOTTI, L., Bertin, G., Londrillo, P.

Self-consistent stellar dynamical tori In the Proceedings of the International Symposium "Plasmas in the laboratory and in the universe: new insights and new challenges", G. Bertin, D. Farina, R. Pozzoli eds., AIPCS, vol.703, p.322, 2004

26c) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P., Pellegrini, S.

The role of Compton heating in cluster cooling flows In the Proceedings of the International Symposium "Plasmas in the laboratory and in the universe: new insights and new challenges", G. Bertin, D. Farina, R. Pozzoli eds., AIPCS, vol.703, p.367, 2004

27c) Lanzoni, B., CIOTTI, L., Cappi, A., Tormen, G., Zamorani, G.

Clues on galaxy and cluster formation from their scaling relations In the Proceedings of the ESO-USM-MPE Workshop "Multiwavelength mapping of galaxy formation and evolution", ESO Astrophysics Symposia, R. Bender and A. Renzini eds., p.408, 2005

28c) Nipoti, C., Stiavelli, M., CIOTTI, L., Treu, T., Rosati, P.

BCG formation in the cluster C0037-2522: flattening of the dark matter cusp In the Proceedings of the ESO-USM-MPE Workshop "Multiwavelength mapping of galaxy formation and evolution", ESO Astrophysics Symposia, R. Bender and A. Renzini eds., p.432, 2005

29c) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P., Sazonov, S.Yu.

A physically motivated toy model for the BH-spheroid coevolution In the Proceedings of the MPA/MPE/ESO/USM Conference "Growing Black Holes - Accretion in a cosmological context", ESO Astrophysics Symposia, A. Merloni, S. Nayakshin and R. Sunyaev eds., p. 68, 2005

30c) Sazonov, S.Yu., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L., Sunyaev, R.A.

Radiative feedback from quasars and the growth of supermassive black holes In the Proceedings of the MPA/MPE/ESO/USM Conference "Growing Black Holes - Accretion in a cosmological context", ESO Astrophysics Symposia, A. Merloni, S. Nayakshin and R. Sunyaev eds., p. 386, 2005

31c) Barnabe', M., CIOTTI, L., Fraternali, F., Sancisi, R.

Stationary fluid models for the extra-planar gas in spiral galaxies In the Proceedings of the Conference "Extra-planar gas", R. Braun ed., ASP Conf. Series, vol. 331, p.231-238, 2005

32c) Arena, S.E., Bertin, G., CIOTTI, L., Liseikina, T.V., Pegoraro, F., Trenti, M., van Albada, T.S.

Structure, formation, and dynamical evolution of elliptical galaxies In "Higlights in Physics 2005", Published online at

33c) CIOTTI, L., Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P.

Phase mixing in MOND In the Proceedings of the International Workshop "Collective phenomena in macroscopic systems", G. Bertin, R. Pozzoli, M. Rome' and K.R. Sreenivasan, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, p.177-186, 2007

34c) Ballero, S.K., Matteucci, F., CIOTTI, L.

Chemical evolution of Seyfert galaxies In the Proceedings of the IAUS 245 "Formation and evolution of galaxy bulges", M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula and B. Barbuy, eds., Cambridge University Press, p.231-232, 2008

35c) Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P., CIOTTI, L.

N-body simulations in Modified Newtonian Dynamics Proceedings of the JENAM 2008 international meeting "Grand challenges in computational astrophysics", H. Wozniak and G. Hensler eds., EDP Sciences, vol.44, p.37-40, 2011

36c) CIOTTI, L.

Galaxy formation from dry and hydro simulations Highlights of Astronomy, Proc. of the XXVIIth IAU General Assembly, vol. 15, p.85, 2010

37c) CIOTTI, L.

AGN feedback in numerical simulations Highlights of Astronomy, Proc. of the XXVIIth IAU General Assembly, vol. 15, p.293, 2010

38c) Marinacci, F., Binney, J., Fraternali, F., Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L., Londrillo, P.

Galactic fountains and gas accretion In the Proceedings of "Hunting for the Dark: The hidden side of galaxy formation", V.P. Debattista and C.C. Popescu eds., AIP Conf.Ser., vol.1240, p.166-168, 2010

39c) CIOTTI, L.

Dynamical friction in presence of a mass spectrum -- [Errata] In the Proceedings of the Symposium "Plasmas in the Laboratory and in the Universe: Interactions, Patterns, and Turbulence", G. Bertin et al. eds, AIP Conf.Ser., vol.1242, p.117-128, 2010

40c) CIOTTI, L., Morganti, L.

On the global density slope-anisotropy inequality In the Proceedings of the Symposium "Plasmas in the Laboratory and in the Universe: Interactions, Patterns, and Turbulence", G. Bertin et al. eds, AIP Conf.Ser., vol.1242, p.300-305, 2010

41c) Novak, G., Ostriker, J.P., CIOTTI, L.

Radiative transfer and radiative driving of outflows in AGN and Starbursts 257th AAS Meeting, Seattle, Washington, Abst. 212.04, p.415, 2011

42c) Marinacci, F., Fraternali, F., Binney, J., Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L., Londrillo, P.

Fountain-driven gas accretion by the Milky Way In the Proceedings of ``Assembling the puzzle of the Milky Way'', C. Reyle', A. Robin and M. Schultheis eds., EPJ Web of Conferences (EDP Sciences), vol.19, 08008p1-3, (2012)

43c) Negri, A., Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L.

Disk dynamics and the X-ray emission of S0 and flat early-type galaxies In the Proceedings of international conference ``X-ray astronomy: towards the next 50 years'', R. Della Ceca, T. Maccacaro, L. Maraschi, G. Pareschi and G. Trinchieri Eds., MemSAIt, vol. 84, N.3, pp.762-763 (2013)

44c) Posacki, S., Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L.

The effects of flattening and rotation on the temperature of the X-ray halos of elliptical galaxies In the Proceedings of international conference ``X-ray astronomy: towards the next 50 years'', R. Della Ceca, T. Maccacaro, L. Maraschi, G. Pareschi and G. Trinchieri Eds., MemSAIt, vol. 84, N.3, pp.766-767 (2013)

45c) Pellegrini, S., Negri, A., CIOTTI, L.

Star formation in eraly-type galaxies: the role of stellar winds and kinematics In the Proceedings of the IAU Symp. 315 ``From interstellar clouds to star-forming galaxies'', P. Jablonka, F. Van der Tak and P. Andre' Eds., vol.11 (315)

46c) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P, Negri, A., Pellegrini, S., Posacki, S., Novak, G.

AGN feedback and star formation in ETGs: negative and positive feedback In the Proceedings of the IAU Symp. 315 ``From interstellar clouds to star-forming galaxies'', P. Jablonka, F. Van der Tak and P. Andre' Eds., vol. 11 (224)

47c) Annibali, F., Tosi, M., Aloisi, A., Bellazzini, M., Buzzoni, A., Cignoni, M., CIOTTI, L., Cusano, F., Nipoti, C. Sacchi, E., Paris, D., Romano, D.

Accretion phenomena in nearby star-forming dwarf galaxy In the Proceedings of the IAU Symp. 321, ``Formation and evolution of galaxy outskirts'', Toledo, Spain, 14-18 march 2016, Cambridge University Press, 2017, p.211

48c) Posti, L., van de Ven, G., Binney, J., Nipoti, C., CIOTTI, L.

Self-consistent dynamical models for early-type galaxies in the CALIFA Survey In the Proceedings of the conference ``The interplay between local and global processes in galaxies'', Cozumel, Mexico 11-15 april 2016, Eds. S.F. Sanchez, C. Morisset and G. Delgado-Inglada, 2017

49c) CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S.

Fully analytical solutions for Bondi accretion in galaxies with a central Black Hole In the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 342, ``Perseus in Sicily: from black hole to cluster outskirts'', Noto, Italy, 2018, Eds. K. Asada, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, H. Nagai, R. Nemmen, M. Giroletti, pp. 5-8 (2020)

50c) Pellegrini, S., CIOTTI, L.

AGN feedback and the origin and fate of the hot gas in early-type galaxies In the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 342, ``Perseus in Sicily: from black hole to cluster outskirts'', Noto, Italy, 2018, Eds. K. Asada, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, H. Nagai, R. Nemmen, M. Giroletti, pp.97-100 (2020)

51c) Yuan, F., Ostriker, J.P., Yoon, D.S., Li, Y.-P., CIOTTI, L., Gan, Z.-M., Ho, L.C., Guo, F.

Numerical study of active galactic nucleus feedback in an elliptical galaxy with MACER In the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 342, ``Perseus in Sicily: from black hole to cluster outskirts'', Noto, Italy, 2018, Eds. K. Asada, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, H. Nagai, R. Nemmen, M. Giroletti, pp. 101-107, (2020)

52c) Di Cintio, P., CIOTTI, L., Nipoti, C.

Brownian motion of supermassive black holes in galaxy cores In the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 351, ``Star Clusters: From the Milky Way to the Early Universe'', Bologna, 2019, Italy, Eds. A. Bragaglia, M.B. Davies, A. Sills & E. Vesperini, pp. 93-96, (2020)

53c) Caravita, C., CIOTTI, L., Pellegrini, S.

Dynamical models of spheroidal multi-component stellar systems In the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 351, ``Star Clusters: From the Milky Way to the Early Universe'', Bologna, 2019, Italy, Eds. A. Bragaglia, M.B. Davies, A. Sills & E. Vesperini, pp. 273-276, (2020)

54c) CIOTTI, L.

Rotation curves of galaxies in GR In the Proceedings of EAS2022 Symposia S3 and S11, Valencia, Spain, 2022, MemSaIt, vol.94 n.3, eds C. Tortora, M. Brescia, N.R. Napolitano et al., pp. 40-43 (2023)


1b) CIOTTI, L. 2000, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Italy (Springer - ISBN 978-88-7642-266-9)

Lecture Notes on Stellar Dynamics -- [Errata]

2b) CIOTTI, L., Ostriker, J.P. 2012, a chapter of the book "Hot interstellar matter in elliptical galaxies", D.W. Kim and S. Pellegrini eds., Astrophysics and Space Science Library (Springer, Heidelberg), vol. 378, p.83-120 (DOI:10.1007/978-1-4614-0580-1)

AGN feedback in elliptical galaxies: numerical simulations -- [Errata]

3b) CIOTTI, L., 2016, three contributions to the book "From the Realm of the Nebulae to the Society of Galaxies. Dialogues on a Century of Research", Astrophysics and Space Science Library 435, Mauro D'Onofrio, Roberto Rampazzo and Simone Zaggia, eds. (Springer - ISBN: 978-3-319-31004-6 (Print) 978-3-319-31006-0 (Online)),

7.7 Galaxy Dynamics: Dark Matter or MOND? 8.6 The role of feedback.

4b) CIOTTI, L. 2017, a contributed test to the book "EX-LIBRIS. I libri e noi", a cura di Mirella Mazzucchi, Mariafranca Spallanzani, Paolo Tinti e Francesca Tomasi. Collaborazione di Caterina Franchi e Elisa Pederzoli (Bononia University Press, ISBN: 978-88-6923-224-4)


5b) CIOTTI, L. 2017, a contributed test to the photography book "Blue Dust" by Andrea Pertoldeo, (A+MBookstore ISBN-10 8887071683, ISBN-13 978-8887071689)

Blue Dust

6b) CIOTTI, L. 2021, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (Online ISBN: 9780511736117)

Introduction to Stellar Dynamics -- [Errata]


1r) CIOTTI, L. Relativity and scientific computing: computer algebra, numerics, visualization Astro. Lett. and Communications, 1998, 35, 459

2r) CIOTTI, L. Theory of orbits Volume 1: Integrable systems and non-perturbative methods Astro. Lett. and Communications, 1998, 35, 461

3r) CIOTTI, L. Turbulence: the legacy of A.N. Kolmogorov Astro. Lett. and Communications, 1998, 35, 463

4r) CIOTTI, L. VIDEOCASSETTE de Le Scienze Giornale di Astronomia, 1998, 24 n.1, 52

5r) CIOTTI, L. Poincare' and the three body problem Giornale di Astronomia, 1998, 24 n.4, 52

6r) CIOTTI, L. Casualita' e caso nella fisica moderna Giornale di Astronomia, 1999, 25 n.1, 56

7r) CIOTTI, L. Babylonian theory of the planets Giornale di Astronomia, 1999, 25 n.3, 57

8r) CIOTTI, L. L'universo elegante Giornale di Astronomia, 2004, 30 n.1, 59

9r) CIOTTI, L. Le sette meraviglie del cosmo Giornale di Astronomia, 2005, 31, n.2, 63

10r) CIOTTI, L. An introduction to galaxies and cosmology Giornale di Astronomia, 2006, 32, n.2, 52-53

11r) CIOTTI, L. La Danza del Cosmo (complessita' ed armonia dell'universo) Giornale di Astronomia, 2007, 33, n.2, 54

12r) CIOTTI, L. Viaggiare nello spazio. Guida per turisti galattici Giornale di Astronomia, 2008, 34, n.2, 52

13r) CIOTTI, L. Mondi paralleli. Un viaggio attraverso la creazione, le dimensioni superiori e il futuro del cosmo Giornale di Astronomia, 2008, 34, n.3, 59

14r) CIOTTI, L. Prima del Big Bang. L'origine dell'Universo Giornale di Astronomia, 2009, 35, n.1, 67

15r) CIOTTI, L. Galaxies: a very short introduction Giornale di Astronomia, 2009, 35, n.1, 69

16r) CIOTTI, L. Relativita' e fisica delle particelle elementari Giornale di Astronomia, 2009, 35, n.3, 41-42

17r) CIOTTI, L. Relativita'. Un'introduzione molto speciale Giornale di Astronomia, 2010, 36, n.1, 53-54

18r) CIOTTI, L. La matematica non serve a nulla. Provocazioni e risposte per capire di piu' Giornale di Astronomia, 2010, 36, n.4, 44-46

19r) CIOTTI, L. Dall'improbabile all'infinito. Caos, coincidenze e altre sorprese matematiche Giornale di Astronomia, 2012, 38, n.1, 56-57


1a-25a) CIOTTI, L. Enciclopedia di Astronomia Fratelli Fabbri Editori, 25 schede

26a) D'Ercole, A., Brighenti, F., CIOTTI, L. Numerical simulations of astrophysical flows In Science and Supercomputing at CINECA -- 1997 report, 1998, 20

27a) CIOTTI, L. Le galassie oltre la Via Lattea Giornale di Astronomia, 2000, 26-(Suppl.) n.1, 84

28a) CIOTTI, L., Ciotti, M.N. J.C.F. Gauss e la Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium in Sectionibus Conicis Solem Ambientium Giornale di Astronomia, 2001, 28 n.1, 24

29a) CIOTTI, L. Attualita' di G. D. Cassini Giornale di Astronomia, 2006, 32, n.1, 122-125

30a) Nipoti, C., Londrillo, P., CIOTTI, L. N-body simulations of dissipationless galaxy formation In Science and Supercomputing at CINECA -- 2005 report, 2006, 120-126

31a) Cappi, A., CIOTTI, L. "Da Galileo all'Universo in espansione", BoAstro2009 - Anno Galileiano, 2009, p.2

32a) L.V.E. Koopmans, [...], L. CIOTTI et al. Strong gravitational lensing as a probe of gravity, dark matter, and supermassive black holes In Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey. Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies. Electronic publication at (arXiv0902.3186)

33a) CIOTTI, L. (Intervista) Le cicatrici delle galassie ellittiche Unibo-magazine, 10/9/2009,

34a) CIOTTI, L. (Intervista) Geografia celeste del pianeta Terra L'Eretico. Idee, arte pensiero, 2010, anno VII, 5 (73)